
What is Funnel Journal All About?

Dear reader,

I suppose this is where I introduce myself…

I’m Lucas and I created this blog specifically for entrepreneurs with a digital product who are in the process of either starting or growing their business online.

After a lay off in 2014, I knew that I needed an alternative income source.

I had to figure out a way to make my dreams a reality, and it wasn’t going to be through the corporate world.

That’s when I started reading about investing and starting a business. But what kept me from starting anything, was this deeply ingrained and self-limiting belief that I needed to be innovative.

That I had to come up with some new product that no one else had thought of before. That this would be the only way for me to get noticed.

I mean sure, coming up with a new opportunity does matter and does bring success to some, but is in no way necessary to get your business started.

I finally broke through this “mind block” when I came up with the brilliant idea of not creating a product at all. But to actually partner with product creators and earn commissions from their product development efforts.

Not as glamorous as I originally thought it would be, but it did make me an expert in digital marketing very quickly, and there is a reason for that;


The fact that I did not fixate over my own product, and by promoting other people’s products, I had the unique opportunity to truly master digital marketing as a process.

I created beautiful landing pages and sites similar to this one. I set up paid traffic campaigns in a variety of different formats; Be it pay-per-click on search engines, banner ads, pop ups and solo ads.

I earned my education by testing sales copy and spending on ads. Which is why I am well suited to help entrepreneurs market their product online.

You have the “what” and I know the “where”.

A key component of my online marketing strategy soon became email marketing.

Building a list and following up with actionable content became a key feature of my business model as an affiliate.

Yet, I knew that something was missing.

That it was kind of there, but that there wasn’t enough of it.

This was the ONE thing that held me back, and kept me from finding true success online.

The Blog’s Mission

So what is this blog about anyways?


Affiliate marketing?


Not really.


Product creation?


To some degree, yes.


I’ll tell you what it’s about..


It’s about helping online entrepreneurs with my accumulated marketing knowledge over the years.


While I cannot make any promises on results (and disclaimers are included throughout this site), what I do promise is my commitment to quality posts and on delivering actionable content that can help you brainstorm new ideas and correct your misconceptions about marketing.


I aspire to inspire within every post and with every carefully selected stock photo you see scattered throughout my site.


You see, by me having promoted so many different types of products, I was able to fine tune the marketing aspect. Since marketing for me isn’t just a “department” in my business. It is my business. It’s what I do and this is precisely the expertise I want to share with you in my posts.


Give me a ready made product idea or service, and I will tell you ten ways to promote it.


So who did I specifically create this blog for?


First and foremost, this blog addresses the questions and challenges of entrepreneurs selling digital products.


I decided to focus on digital products, because that’s what I was passionate about, and while I know a lot about ecommerce and physical products, I found the first of the two more appealing.


With digital products, you don’t have to worry about inventory and shipping. Which I prefer to avoid, so as to have more money for…(guess what)…


More marketing.


By digital products, I mean promoting books, software, courses, coaching and consulting services.


I feel that all of these are related in some way, in the sense that you distill your knowledge into a product. Or in the case of software, you build a tool to make a process easier. So that others don’t have to go through the faulty and frustrating learning process you went through.


If you happen to be an entrepreneur with a physical product, then you can benefit the most from my blog posts, if you are willing to convert your knowledge and expertise into a digital product. Something that I talk about in my posts.


I’m not saying to switch over completely, but rather to expand your offerings, to include information products about what you already know and do.


Like if you have a physical product, you could write a guide teaching your readers tips on cutting costs on inventory or how to optimize their advertising budget.

The Missing Ingredient

So what was I missing for most of my affiliate marketing career?


An appreciation for sales funnels.


I mean, I knew what they were, but with all that “noise” in the digital marketing space, I didn’t give the subject enough attention.


Yet, if there is ONE thing to focus on, when it comes to growing your business online, it’s your sales funnel. And by “sales funnel” I mean funnels in general. To include lead funnels and other types.


It wasn’t until 2021, when I really dug deep into the subject.


Before that, I was all about email marketing and paid traffic (which I still do).


Around this time I signed up for ClickFunnels, and it’s where I was introduced to the different types of funnels I could build. This opened up a world of opportunities.


How Can You Make The Most Out Of This Blog?

Obviously read the posts, but also join my newsletter, where I share with you tools and strategies you won’t get anywhere else.

Getting clients online is largely about using the right tools, and setting up the most relevant type of funnel for your product or service.

You also need an offer (not a product) that is truly unique.

(Hint: learn the difference between an offer and a product; and you’ll get a huge boost to your marketing skillset).

Anyways, that’s all for now (the rest I cover in the posts).

In the mean time, I have a special gift for you..

Since you read all the way to the end….

I’m offering you a FREE guide called 40 Simple Hacks For Creating Content.

It’s a compilation of the different ways you can create content and market it online.

Publishing is key for your business, as it makes you an expert in your niche and drives organic traffic to your website.

Get It Here >> 


If you have any questions, comments or concerns, don’t hesitate to use the contact form.